Welcome to the world of Pistol Fanny Rue, a charismatic force born on September 1, 2020, amidst the breathtaking landscapes of West Kootenai in Rexford, Montana. Fate led me to this remarkable soul shortly after parting with my mare, and at just 8 weeks old, Fanny embarked on a new adventure, greeted by the cold, unfamiliar snow.

Her journey began alongside Payslee Sue, the legendary Pembroke Welsh Corgi, who at 11 years old, graciously imparted her remarkable traits before passing in June 2021. Payslee Sue's kindness and spirited nature became Fanny's guiding light, shaping her into the spirited, sassy character she is today.

Fanny's days are a blend of wonder and joy. She revels in her evenings herding Doris and Bill, the goose and drake duo, cheekily attempting to snatch an occasional egg from the coop. Keeping her larger canine companions in line is a daily task, and hunting gophers is her exhilarating pursuit.

Each morning, Fanny eagerly awaits, ready to greet you with a "Good Morning" snuggle before racing off to begin her daily routine anew.

While not formally trained in herding, Fanny embodies the natural instincts of a true herder. Her intense focus, unwavering drive, endurance, and deep desire to please her human make her a standout companion. Fearless among different animals, she fearlessly steps into her role as the boss, always responsive and attentive to commands.

Living harmoniously with a diverse family of twelve free-range chickens, a spirited rooster, a goose, a drake, a horse, a feline friend, and three other large dogs, Fanny thrives. Bill, the drake, finds delight in playful chases, and although she sneakily eyes the coop, she's never harmed her feathered friends. Ball-fetching becomes a playful means to herd and direct, especially with her loyal pack by her side.

Summer days see Fanny enjoying the company of a young boy, revealing her exceptional babysitting skills and her genuine affection for little humans. A testament to her adaptability and potential, Fanny embodies the perfect balance between a wonderful pet and a promising professional.

This is the vibrant life of Pistol Fanny Rue.

American Kennel Club Pedigree Certificate

Sire & Dam